Tutorial 137: Usando Camadas De Ajustes No Photoshop – Allan Brito

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Mas, existem alguns procedimentos que alteram a composicao das imagens de maneira irreversivel, prejudicando uma possivel reversao das edicoes no futuro e potencialmente complicando a vida de qualquer artista digital. E por isso que sempre e interessante realizar procedimentos para manter copias de seguranca dos arquivos fonte ou entao encontrar maneiras de preservar a base de pixels usada para a edicao. Uma das melhores praticas nesse sentido para o uso cotidiano do Photoshop e a aplicacao dos chamados Adjustment Layers ou camadas de ajustes em traducao direta. Voce ja usou esse recurso do Photoshop? Caso nunca tenha usado, preparei um tutorial em video mostrando como o recurso funciona e as vantagens em investir nesse tipo de ferramenta do Photoshop. Como voce pode perceber pelo tutorial, o recurso das camadas de ajustes preserva muitas caracteristicas dos pixels originais da imagem, permitindo que voce aplique ferramentas e alteracoes nas imagens, e possa no futuro reverter essas edicoes para ter acesso aos pixels sem alteracoes. Isso e uma tremenda ajuda para as pessoas que nao costumam fazer copias de seguranca dos arquivos quando retira os mesmos dos cartoes das maquinas fotograficas, ou os designers que montam layouts complexos em PSD e depois se arrependem de alguma edicao aplicada no inicio do processo criativo. Quando usamos esse tipo de camada para fazer ajustes em imagens, voce estara realizando o que e chamado por muitos de edicao nao-destrutiva. Esse e um tipo de edicao muito desejada por ambientes corporativos, pois e possivel reverter o produto final para as imagens originais a qualquer momento. Gostou do video?
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://is.gd/BtB6hh

Tutorial for Website designing and slicing in Photoshop

To select a color from the palette, have the Brush Tool (B) selected, hold the ALT key and click a color. Now youre ready to lay down the first set of shadows. Grab the Brush Tool (B) and paint in the shadows. If youre having trouble with these, ask someone to stand facing away from a window and take a picture. That will be your reference image. Lay more shadow layers until you have enough contrast. Four or five layers should do nicely.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://tinyurl.com/bmowsl3

The Miz Photoshop Tutorial Series – Creating an Action | ArenaCreative Stock Photos Blog

Je kunt ook mijn foto gebruiken als je wilt. Maak een nieuwe laag aan boven de laag van de foto. Je kunt dat doen door op het nieuwe laag icoontje te klikken onder aan in je lagen palet of via menu LAAG-NIEUW-LAAG. Je kunt ook SHIFT + CTRL + N intoetsen om een nieuwe laag te maken. Klik op het vierkantje van de voorgrondkleur op je gereedschapsbalk en kies rood #fd1105. Neem dan je rechthoekige selectiekader van je gereedschapsbalk en maak een selectie zoals hieronder in het voorbeeld te zien is.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.jumbojetje.nl/tutorials/retro-kleuren-en-vintage-look

Tutorial Photoshop: Cómo crear y pintar un personaje. #tutorial #photoshop

You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response , or trackback from your own site. http://pulse.yahoo.com/_Y3VLOW5V3D5LTTL2CATV5FWHTE Kaynat Ahmed
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://bit.ly/zEM3ak

Photo Editing and Photoshop Clipping Path Services » Photoshop Tutorial- Skin Retouching Technique

Slicing in photoshop is a process where the website layout is cut into small images. Tool used for this process is slice tool (shortcut K). Maximum width to design a website is 1024pixels to avoid horizontal scroll in the browser. We have done a web layout for pets at a size of 800 x 782 pixels. Images and graphics are sliced in photoshop whereas the contents can be recreated in html. Open the web layout in photoshop. Select slice tool(K) and draw over the area of website which has to be sliced. After slicing, a blue line will be created around the sliced area. Only the images, different fonts and gradient are sliced whereas contents and solid colors are recreated in html. Go to file > save for web & devices Select the location and folder where the images to be saved.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.webinfopedia.com/website-slicing-in-photoshop.html

Retro kleuren en vintage look « Jumbojet’s Photoshoptutors

You will need 2 of those layers. One named dodge, and other named burn. Here you will be using the dodge tool and the burn tool. Click on exposure of 50% for each one. With these you can paint with pretty much any color, white, black, blue, or others. Applying dodge tool in dodge layer: Start out around the eye areas, or in the eyes like the iris, under the brows, by the brow bone.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.clippingpathindia.com/blog/2014/05/28/photoshop-tutorial-skin-retouching-technique/

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